One Becomes A Woman screen record

Live Demo

One Becomes A Woman

Feminist Interactive Art Based On Eye-Tracking

The Male Gaze

As Simone de Beauvoir says in The Second Sex, “One is not born a woman, one becomes a woman.” In this book, she describes how society shapes women and affects her attitude towards her own body. She points out that whether a woman’s body is presented as positive or negative de- pends on the degree to which she herself is a subject, rather than an object of society’s gaze.

The male gaze is defined as the act of describing women from a masculine perspective, and regarding women as sexual objects that pleasing the heterosexual male viewer. The concept of the male gaze was first used by feminists in the film industry. The objectification of women also exists in visual arts and literature.

In this project, we focus on the research question:

How to design interactive art to raise awareness of male gaze’s influence on women, and help them adopt a more subjective view of their own body?

Design Process

design process

P5.js live prototype

Final Design

design summary

For more details